
The Castle.
Well looking back on it and the struggles I had throughout the project, to be honest I was thinking " if this is the trouble I'm going to have all semester I may not stay in this class", but I've never turned and ran from a challenge, especially when its something I truly want to learn.

Above is a Pen drawing in Rhino that I create of the final piece after going through the many steps to create it. Below are rendering in Rhino that shows the simple shapes that were used to create the project. This was my first project using Rhino so I had not yet learned how to truly render and thought this was "Renderings" which was merely a way to see the shapes and what layers they are on really, the colors indicate different layers they are on.

The problems I had with even the simple steps of moving something from one stop to another, or connecting object to object was stressful and aggravating. But now looking back at it there are so many things that I would do differently, I mean I love the fact that I finished it and created the piece that I did but I can do so much more now, then when I started, that I could create something even better.

The skills I eventually learned in this project were helpful and made me want to finished the project to show myself that I could. The way I created it was really by messing around with Rhino to figure out what I wanted. I remember one class I took that my professor said " if you're messing around that's good. Messing around is how you learn. When you mess around you're not just messing around like it something small. Say it with meaning and purpose be proud to say I'm messing around and mean it." So that's what I'm saying I was messing around. Therefore I was learning something about myself and the system I was using to create things and develop my own skills.
